Establishing your vision for the future and creating a strategy for how to achieve it. An effective strategy will include the where you want to be in the future (mission, vision, values), the what you want to achieve (goals, objectives) and the how you are going to get there (strategic plans, outcomes and actions), and should always include a mechanism for measuring progress along the way.
The strategic financial plan reflects the outcomes of the defined strategy, and will generally contain a set of assumptions around what drives revenue and cost in your business. 2H Consulting provides a service to assist with the creation of strategic financial models that may include actual model creation, selection of appropriate technologies and/or integration into a formal budget and forecast process
Identification of the risks and issues facing a business with a corresponding set of options and recommendations on how to resolve them. This process will require a detailed understanding of your existing company strategies and will typically include both an internal and external review of the business. Options and recommendations will be aligned to strategy and the prevailing strengths of the business.
Facilitation of the strategy formulation process within your company with the aim of achieving maximum buy-in from management and staff.
Through a series of workshops the process is consultative and inclusive and once complete will cascade down to all parts of the business so as to ensure that everyone in the organisation is heading in the same direction